Saturday, November 3, 2012

Coastline and Beaches of Blanes, Costa Bravo, Spain


Coastline and Beaches of Blanes
The Costa Brava is a coastal region of northeastern Spain,of Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà and Selva, in the province of Girona. The Costa Brava stretches from Blanes, 60 km (37 mi) northeast of Barcelona, to the French border.
The coast was named Costa Brava by Ferran Agulló (in Català, Ferran Agulló i Vidal) in an article published in Catalan newspaper La Veu de Catalunya in September 1908. Agulló, a journalist born in Girona, referred to the rugged landscape of the Mediterranean coast which runs from the river Tordera, near Blanes, to Banyuls with the name Costa Brava. Costa is the Catalan and Spanish word for 'coast', while Brava means 'rugged' or 'wild'.
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